12 July 2008


... for the break. :)

It's been a good vacation, and of course you can tell what I've been distracted by, given my Bay Area bias for baseball. I also haven't had the occasion to purchase more coffee, but I'm due up for a new acquisition.

I'll pick something of my own free volition if no outside input is available, but I'm open. Any suggestions for review are welcome!

All the best,

04 July 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Enjoy your holiday; we'll be out a few more days. For your enjoyment:

Unfortunate 4th of July Cards

Thanks for reading! :)

All the best,

02 July 2008

Fancy Pants

With all due humor, The Onion once decided to admit its dependence on mediocre caffeine (because the finest coffees can and should be tasted just the same as tea) and call tea a sissy in print:

Sunday Tea

Enjoy! ;)

01 July 2008

Scottish Breakfast

Today it's tea; Scottish Breakfast tea. Frothy, malty, aromatic Scottish Breakfast; delicious without milk or sugar. Take that and like it, Lipton! ;)

Product here; review here.

All the best,